§ 63M-5-306. Financial impact statement -- Alleviation plan -- Filing required -- Contents -- Payments credited against tax -- Provisions neither exclusive nor mandatory.

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) A developer desiring to prepay ad valorem property taxes under Section 63M-5-201 shall first prepare and file with the Governor's Office of Economic Development and all units of local government likely to be affected with a significant financial impact due to a natural resource or industrial facility a financial impact statement together with a plan for alleviating these impacts.
    (b) The impact statement and the alleviation plan shall be prepared in cooperation with and after consultation with the Governor's Office of Economic Development and the affected units of local government.
    (c) The financial impact statement shall assess the projected financial impact on state agencies and units of local government, including the impact on transportation systems, culinary water systems, waste treatment facilities, public safety, schools, public health, housing, planning and zoning, and general government administration.
    (d) The alleviation plan shall set out proposals for alleviating the impact and may include payments to local units of government or direct expenditures by the developer to alleviate the impact.
    (e) The impact statement and the alleviation plan may be amended by the developer in cooperation with and after consultation with the Governor's Office of Economic Development and those units of local government affected by the amendment.
    (2) At least 90 days prior to commencement of construction of an industrial facility or natural resources facility by a major developer, an impact statement and alleviation plan as described in Subsection (1) shall be filed by the major developer whether or not the major developer desires to prepay ad valorem property taxes.
    (a) Upon the filing of the financial impact statement and alleviation plan, a developer may apply to the governing body of the affected unit of local government for authorization to prepay a portion of the anticipated ad valorem property taxes to be expended consistent with the alleviation plan.
    (b) This authorization may provide that only a portion of the amounts so prepaid can be applied against the ad valorem property taxes due in any given year.
    (c) In addition to payments directly to the affected unit of local government, an affected unit of local government may authorize a tax credit on anticipated ad valorem property taxes for expenditures made by the developer to other persons so long as the expenditure is consistent with the alleviation plan.
    (a) This chapter is designed to provide an additional mechanism for the alleviation of impacts on units of local government and is not intended to discourage the use of other mechanisms as may be available.
    (b) Nothing in this chapter requires a developer to prepay ad valorem property taxes or to make any other expenditure not otherwise required by law.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session